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To: Fathers and other Men in the CT-5th Congressional District

Fathers Standing Up For Re-Electing Rep. Jahana Hayes

At a recent Zoom campaign event, Rep.Jahana Hayes (CT-5) was the victim of racist and misogynistic attacks. While everyone must fight against sexist and racist hate, men have a unique responsibility in standing up against these types of attacks against women. We are inviting men, particularly, to take action today to send a message this type of hate won't be tolerated. Donate to re-elect Jahana Hayes:

Why is this important?

When men stand up against sexism and other forms of hate, it sends a message to other men that this type of behavior will not be tolerated in our communities. As a father and life long activist against male violence against women, it feels more important than ever that men stand up and speak out against racist, sexist, homophobic and other forms of hate speech and actions. It is time for fathers and other men to stop their silence and take action in their communities. Standing on the side lines is not longer an option. Each time an attack like this happens and men leave women alone to speak out, it emboldens those who want to create fear and division. Now is the time to act.

To learn more about Fathers Standing Up go to:


2020-11-09 08:30:27 -0500

Last week Jahana was re-elected! Thanks for your support!

2020-10-26 23:22:53 -0400

10 signatures reached