To: The United States House of Representatives

Federal library funding

Please support federal funding at least at current levels for both LSTA (the Library Service and Technology Act) and for IAL (Innovative Approaches to Literacy). Please sign the two letters to the Appropriations Committee backing funding for these two programs.

Why is this important?

We all will be affected! By April 3rd (this Monday), Congress Representatives must pass in to the Appropriations Committee letters requesting funding for specific programs. Please ask them to request funding for LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) and IAL (Innovative approaches to Literacy), which provide summer reading programs for kids, help building high-tech small business service centers, helps veterans apply for loans, etc. and IAL (Innovative Approaches to Literacy). which give grants to under-served school libraries and work to improve child literacy. Google LSTA or ALA (American Library Association) for full information about the issue and the Appropriation letters to be signed. $210 million of library funding is at stake.