Not only Rush Limbaugh, but fire Bill Maher, and Ed Shultz, as well. If anyone attacked the Obama daughters as they attacked Palin's the media would be calling for a crucifixion. Down with Selective Outrage!!! Women are women, whether liberal or conservative. Rush Limbaugh used the "S" word on Sandra Fluke, and Bill Maher used the "C" word on Sarah Palin. Fire both of them, and ask the president to return the one million to the disgusting misogynistic Bill Maher
Why is this important?
Not only Rush Limbaugh, but fire Bill Maher, and Ed Shultz, as well. If anyone attacked the Obama daughters as they attacked Palin's the media would be calling for a crucifixion. Down with Selective Outrage!!! Women are women, whether liberal or conservative.