To: Clear Channel One - Public Relations and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson
Fire Dominic Dieter For Encouraging Rape
We demand that WMMS radio hold Dominic Dieter responsible for advising a father to have his teenage daughter raped: Fire Dieter and issue a public apology!
We are also asking for a public statement against this rape apology and homophobia from Cleveland's mayor.
We are also asking for a public statement against this rape apology and homophobia from Cleveland's mayor.
Why is this important?
While class is certainly not something any of us expect from 'Rover's Morning Glory', the local Cleveland radio show on WMMS 100.7, a blatant call to rape a teenage girl is beyond the pale even for them.
Dominic Dieter, one of the shows hosts, responded to a letter written from a father who was "concerned" about his daughter's sexual orientation, with a gag inducing statement of rape apology and homophobia:
"You should get one of your friends to screw your daughter straight."
Considering the very real and very elevated threat of sexual assault that members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community face in the form of "Corrective Rape"( it is truly horrific to hear it encouraged on such a widely popular broadcast here in Cleveland. Not to mention the idea of a man (presumably) her father's age trying to "screw" an underage girl - in what world is this ok?
Add your name and share widely: We here in Cleveland do not think rape is a joke.
Dominic Dieter, one of the shows hosts, responded to a letter written from a father who was "concerned" about his daughter's sexual orientation, with a gag inducing statement of rape apology and homophobia:
"You should get one of your friends to screw your daughter straight."
Considering the very real and very elevated threat of sexual assault that members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community face in the form of "Corrective Rape"( it is truly horrific to hear it encouraged on such a widely popular broadcast here in Cleveland. Not to mention the idea of a man (presumably) her father's age trying to "screw" an underage girl - in what world is this ok?
Add your name and share widely: We here in Cleveland do not think rape is a joke.