To: SFMTA and Rafael Mandelman

Fix ADA access to Pink Triangle Park, Calm 17th, and make Castro & Market more safe

The intersection of Castro and Market experiences a high volume of pedestrians due to the Castro Muni station, F line, and popularity of bars and restaurants in the Castro. The car route from Market St. onto 17th going west is a dangerous design that increases pedestrian crossing distance at Market and Castro, makes accessing Pink Triangle Park dangerous, and threatens the safety of all road users in the heart of the Castro.

As part of the West Portal Tunnel repairs, SFMTA is temporarily removing the long island that separates 17th from Market street. SFMTA has talented engineers who can design a more safe intersection and create ADA access to historic Pink Triangle Park. Offer your support for better solutions, so SFMTA doesn't just put back the status quo dangerous design when the tunnel project is finished.

Why is this important?

Market Street is the most dangerous street in our neighborhood. Our streets should be safe for people of all ages and abilities. Also, Pink Triangle Park is an international tourist destination and a source of local LGBT pride and history. When I took my father, who travels by wheelchair to visit the park, I was shocked by the lack of access. With this tunnel project, now is the time to correct his poorly designed intersection at the heart of our neighborhood.
