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To: Congresswoman Julia Brownley, Senator Monique Limon, Assembly member Steve Bennett, Supervisor Matt LaVere, Supervisor Kelly Long

Mail, Parking a Footpath and a Meeting for those effected by the Santa Paula Mudslide

To Our Elected Representatives:

Can you please fix the following issues created by the Santa Paula mudslide:

1. Mail-Can you please arrange for the USPS to deliver mail to the Upper Ojai residents in Upper Ojai at the Stagecoach Market? We'll pay for the cement slab and the mailboxes and we have a space ready to go. Residents are currently driving 1 hour from Upper Ojai to Santa Paula and then 1 hour back, just to retrieve their mail. This is unnecessary and unacceptable;

2. Pedestrian Path + Secure Car Parking- Can you please create a pedestrian path and a secure place to park vehicles on both sides of the slide? Mupu Elementary school students-who live 5 minutes away from school, but on the Ojai side of the slide-are either driving 2 hours to /from school or creating their own walking path across the creek and slide. This is dangerous. Santa Paula residents who work in Ojai are now commuting 2 hours instead of 15 minutes. Ojai residents who work in Santa Paula are doing the same. Residents on the Ojai side have no access to emergency services. Please immediately create a secure place to park cars on both sides of the slide and a pedestrian path that allows access to schools, work and emergency care; and

3. Meeting-Please come to Upper Ojai and speak with us. Having the Cal-Trans PIO hold his cell phone to a microphone so that a Cal Trans engineer could speak to people in Santa Paula just isn't cutting it. You've been to Upper Ojai fundraising and now we are inviting you back.

Please accept our invitation and immediately fix these two issues.

Thank you

Why is this important?

Access to schools, work and emergency services


2024-03-07 21:22:11 -0500

100 signatures reached

2024-03-07 16:15:02 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-03-07 13:57:06 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-03-07 12:41:23 -0500

10 signatures reached