We the undersigned charge the President of the United States and those in Congress who in any way support and have supported the passage of the Trade Promotion Authority and secret Trans-Pacific Partnership with gross negligence (the equivalent of the military's "dereliction of duty") and disloyalty bordering on treason. We agree, also, that: (1) those who so voted should be removed from office as soon as is legally possible; (2) by rule of law they should be prohibited from holding future political office in these United States of America; and (3) by rule of law they should be prohibited from lobbying members of Congress either formally through employment or informally through any network of contacts, for a period of 10 years.
Why is this important?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will affect everyone in the U.S. as well as everyone on our precious planet. It is dangerous. Its damage can't be estimated at all - to humans, to all forms of life, and to the environment. Its effects on climate change are potentially disastrous.