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To: GoFundMe, Kickstarter, Indigogo, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster, FTC’s Bureau of Competition, Bureau of Economics, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Forbid Crowdfunding/ Donating To Racist/ hate-crime Shooters

It is unconstitutional to treat advantageous one tiny group of people, and disadvantageous all or the majority of people/ citizens/ the public.

Donating and "sponsoring" finances for the defense of hate crime/ Anti-Semitic murderers in itself would be so a hate crime similar to the willful financial support of deadly terrorists. And should be legally thus prohibited or reduced significantly. Particular for the defense of criminal hate-crime suspected murderers should this possibility excluded. Equivalent "Crowdfunding" for not U.S. white supremacist-based deadly hate-crime shooter/ terrorists would not be as easily overlooked and would not be allowed by U.S. law. What would constitute a breach of the social agreement as well as of the non-discrimination doctrines.
We expect the FTC’s Bureau of Competition and the Bureau of Economics to urgently investigate and take law enforcement actions against any U.S.-based crowdfunding portal, U..S. payment system tech corporation, business or non-profit organization who illegally collect, or allow others to use their systems/ business's names to collect funds, support for, or donate to the legal defense funds of Caucasian American killers/shooters of minorities, such as George Zimmerman, or the most recent police officer who shot and killed an unarmed minority person in Ferguson.
At least during the impending / on-going legal investigations to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant/ shooter in such racism-involved killings, should such "crowdfunding" be prohibited.

We urge the FTC Bureau of Economics and other Federal agencies including the FTC Commission to take immediate actions on (Points A-D):

A: All online "Crowdfunding" for-profit/ or non-profit businesses, Charities / religious organizations and similar organizations should be prohibited from donating, or collecting donations to ongoing investigations on possible racism-involved homicides. Particular in such high-profile racism/ or Anti-Semitic homicide cases as the Trayvon Martin case, or the latest victim of a most-likely hate crime motivated shooting, Michael Brown, involving a police officer as the hate crime suspect and murderer. A Public employee in such a legally dangerous position should have adequate insurance and sufficient legal protection, Including for such excessive violent militaristic Police/ SWAT team shooters, who should be offered no more than the regular public defenders as representation. Equally then should it otherwise be legal to “crowdfund” - on a global level - litigation against governors, states representations or other such political leaders in cases of corruption etc.

Why is this important?

Murderers /shooters accused of hate crimes should not be “crowd-funded” for during ongoing crime investigations, as doing so leads to more murder cases simply to procure “crowd-funding” funds.
According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 67 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty during the first half of 2014, while every 28 hours, an unarmed black person is murdered by the police, security officer or vigilante like George Zimmerman. Michigan is among 13 other states where the number of shooting deaths is higher than the amount of deaths caused by car accidents. The highest number of gun deaths of 14 tested states being our own state of Ohio.
Still, no-one seems to make demands for answers regarding some of the obvious points, for example: demand federal charges to be filed against the NRA and ALEC leadership for their criminal business conduct and bending of laws leading to firearms-related hate-crimes and in fact genocide.
Is being "brown-skinned", being non-American, not "Christian" or “nonconformist” according to social norms, the “new” being a dangerous criminal, or make those in these categories the newest terror suspects by default now in the eyes of Caucasian American police officers?

Should American minorities, including LGBT and pregnant women seeking abortions come fully constitutionally legally openly carrying handguns and assault rifles to "protest marches" simply to receive the same equal respect, as the armed Tea Party protesters who are not shot or murdered at their protests or as was done during the "protests" at the Bundy Ranch where supporters were heavily armed and simply under observation by federal authorities?

"Crowdfunding" tech corporations like GoFundMe should be criminally indicted for supporting and funding white supremacist terrorism. IF those U.S. corporations and the U.S legal system continue to allow the defense of white supremacists/KKK or other hate-crime organization members who kill minorities to be crowdfunded, the same will need to be legally applied and be made equivalent according to the rule of law for any minority who claims to have shot and killed a presumed Caucasian American racist in a perceived threat situation which is alleged to be a “Stand Your Ground”- self-defense.

Crowdfunded "donating" to cover the costs of the defense for racially motivated/anti-Semitic murderers still under on-going investigations should be against the law and should be prohibited/made illegal for any company, charity or religious or civic organization.

‘We created the Laws':
"It would be a statement that we are above the {primitive} base level of conduct exhibited by the Killer(s).
Would not killing them at all separate us even more from brutal nature of people who commit these awful crimes? "
-Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

The whole world is watching you, ladies and gentlemen of the U.S.A.