To: The United States House of Representatives
Force Roll Call on Davidson-Nolan Bars to U.S. Role in Saudi War in Yemen
Use the Defense Appropriation to force roll call votes on the Davidson-Nolan prohibitions against U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen.
Why is this important?
On July 14, 2017, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to prohibit U.S. military participation in the Saudi-UAE war in Yemen, when it passed the Davidson and Nolan amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act [NDAA]. [1]
U.S. media largely failed to cover these House votes. This partly reflects misplaced media priorities - if they had been votes concerning Trump's relationship with Russia, U.S. media would have covered them obsessively - but also reflects that these prohibitions were adopted by voice vote, without a roll call forcing Members to attach their names to their votes. Contested votes draw more attention from the media.
Urge House Members to use the Department of Defense Appropriation to force roll call votes on the Davidson-Nolan prohibitions against U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen by signing our petition.
U.S. media largely failed to cover these House votes. This partly reflects misplaced media priorities - if they had been votes concerning Trump's relationship with Russia, U.S. media would have covered them obsessively - but also reflects that these prohibitions were adopted by voice vote, without a roll call forcing Members to attach their names to their votes. Contested votes draw more attention from the media.
Urge House Members to use the Department of Defense Appropriation to force roll call votes on the Davidson-Nolan prohibitions against U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen by signing our petition.