"Day Care On The Work Place" For a healthy child and better families.
"Guarderia Infantil en el area de trabajo" Para mejores y saludables familias.
Why is this important?
Pass the Law/Vote: make it happen: Estoy de acuerdo como la mayoria lo hemos pensado. Que legalmente obliguen a las compañias a tener Guarderia infantil en los trabajos, para todas las madres que trabajan y un mejor futuro para nuestros hijos.! Make a law for a Day Care in all the company's for mothers that work.! Start making a better world for kids. It will help children for a better future. They need their parents there too. Must kids are left alone at home, school and with other people while both or single partents go to work everyday and for long periods of hours. That is an unhealthy living situation for everybody.