To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Free Rohingya From Being Oppressed by Myanmar (Burma) Government

Recently, viral graphic images surfaced online alleging "tribal cleansing" on the Rohingya from Myanmar by Buddhist extremist groups. I call on the international community, the United Nation, and world leaders everywhere especially, to act immediately and condemn the barbaric act of violence against the Rohingya in the strongest terms.

Why is this important?

The Rohingya are mostly Muslims traced to the area around the 8th C and they are now denied citizenship in Myanmar because the Government believes they are immigrants from Bangladesh. They are subjected to hostility from the major ethnic group (Buddhist extremists), which is also the composition of the ruling Government.

The country’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who once won the Novel Peace Prize, has been largely criticized for neither condemning nor stopping the extreme human rights violations meted out to the Rohingya, a minority tribe currently being subjected to torture, displacement, restricted movement, denied access to state utilities, and being humiliated.

U.N claims most of the alleged tortures cannot be validated; the same loose buttons that are being pushed by Aung. So this problem continues and the Rohingya continues to be “cleansed” in what many believe is an effort to extinct the tribe from Myanmar.

Essentially, many leaders fail the litmus test of times. A mass killing that targets a tribe/religion is a hate crime. Aung, added to being stripped of the Nobel Prize, must be made to condemn, act in accordance with international law to provide protection to this minority group, and see to it that perpetrators are punished. The birthright of the Rohingya must be respected and restored, and such must be put in their constitution. It is time to end their years of humiliation and displacement. The type of violence is not acceptable and it is time for world citizens to send a strong message to the Myanmar Government.

Please take few minutes of your time to sign this petition, share with your friends, and encourage them to sign as well. Thank you for quick action on this.


Haddijatou Camara-Ba