To: Assemblyman Chris Brown, President Donald Trump, The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, Governor Phil Murphy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Freedom for Jason

Stop our Troops coming home from going to Prison. Help them with PTSD problem. All states need Veterans Courts, get them the help they need. THey fought for our Freedom now Time we FIGHT for theirs.

Why is this important?

People all over the country are affected by this issue. Everyone should be concerned. Our prisons are getting more and more Veterans everyday. They deserve someone to care to help them instead of Locking them away in Prison. PTSD is REAL........
Fight for their Freedom as they have fought for ours.....
My son was in US Army, served 3 combat tours, came home 100% disabled Vet, which 70% is PTSD. He is now doing prison time with a 5 year sentence, for instances with broken soft pellet bebe gun. Nobody was hurt. He only stopped drug dealers from selling Oxicotins to young kids. For full details join the group or page "Freedom for Jason" on facebook. Please sign this petition and get it out there. LET's Get them help that they need and deserve..