To: Virginia Beach City Council
Handicap Access Needed at Little Island Park Surfing Beach
Help us in getting Handicap access and facilities for the Surfing Beach at Little Island Park in Sandbridge.
Why is this important?
The Little Island Park Surfing Beach is in dire need of handicap access to the beach on the north side of the fishing pier. This beach is primarily utilized by families with members that surf at that beach. These families include Moms, Dads, Grandparents, and young children. The access path that provides entry to the surfing-only beach is a soft, deep sand. It is dune-like and has an incline in both directions. It is a tough walk for even the most athletic types, let alone young children and the elderly. I myself, who have a surfing family, am handicapped. I enjoy nothing more than watching my entire family surf on weekends. It is so hard for me to make the crossing. All of us who utilize this beach joke that it is the "death walk". On behalf of myself, and others who are handicapped or aged, respectfully request some type of ramping over the dune so that we can have access to that beach. It is in no way a beach that provides access to people with physical disabilities. All throughout the private housing areas of Sandbridge, there are walkways down to the beach, which provide access for handicap individuals. We also don't have any bathroom facilities at the surfing beach. A handicapped person has to trek a long ways to get to the swimming beach to find a bathroom or a place to rinse the sand off. We ask, and request that the City of Virginia make arrangements to have this section of Little Island Park in Sandbridge be accessible to all citizens, even the disabled, by providing a ramp over the dune, shower, or rinse-off station, and a bathroom.