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To: Chicago neighbors, leaders, and elected officials

Hate has no place in Chicago. We support our immigrant neighbors!

Chicago has a proud history of welcoming immigrants to our city. We need everyone—from neighbors to elected leaders—to come together and fight back against attempts to stoke fear and division that is ramping up this election year. Sign the petition and commit to standing by our immigrant neighbors.

Why is this important?

Chicago has a proud immigrant and refugee history and strong immigrant roots that persist today. We have been a welcoming and supportive city for immigrants long before we officially became an officially welcoming city in 1985. And since then, we have worked collaboratively to ensure that our immigrant neighbors, family members, loved ones, and coworkers can access critical services without fear of being deported or arrested simply because of their immigration status.

But a few opportunistic politicians are trying to stoke hate and fear in our communities in order to divide us. From overwhelming our social services with inhumane stunts, like Texas Governor Greg Abbott's unethically busing and flying migrants to Chicago with no city, state, or federal coordination, to opportunistic politicians threatening our welcoming city status, anti-immigrant politicians are trying to make our city less welcoming, less vibrant, and less safe. And it’s only going to get worse as the election year progresses. We won’t let it.

These efforts are part of a larger, nationwide attack on immigrant communities, and they have no place in Chicago. It’s not who we are as a city—and we urge our neighbors, local leaders, and elected officials to stand strongly against anti-immigrant efforts and protect Chicago's status and reputation as a welcoming city.

Immigrants make up nearly 20% of the population of Chicago, and 1 in 3 children in the city have at least one immigrant parent. From Mexico to India, Poland, the Philippines, and China, we are a multicultural city. And our immigrant neighbors not only deserve to be treated with dignity and respect but also to have their contributions to creating a bright, vibrant, and thriving city supported, celebrated, and honored.

Chicago welcomes our immigrant and refugee neighbors, and we refuse to be divided.



2024-05-08 21:33:13 -0400

500 signatures reached

2024-05-03 16:27:24 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-05-03 13:42:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-03 13:28:25 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-03 13:18:58 -0400

10 signatures reached