The North East Mission Coalition is made up of local businesses, residents, workers, and property owners. We believe that any parking management plan should give priority to local residents, businesses and their employees and that a new parking permit plan needs to be created for both businesses and residents.
The NEMC is requesting:
• Create a Preferential Parking Zone encompassing the NE Mission for both residents and businesses
• Both businesses and residents can apply for Preferential Parking Zone permits, just like elsewhere in the city (PDR businesses could apply for a limited amount of additional permits for employees). The permits would exempt the holder from paying for parking meters within the permit zone
• A mix of all-day meters on some primarily retail/commercial blocks, and 2 and 4 hour time limits on other blocks
• Longer time limits with shorter enforcement hours on some blocks
(For example: 4 hour parking between 9:00AM and 3:00PM)
• Replace parking spaces that have recently been eliminated with angled parking on some streets
Why is this important?
San Francisco's North East Mission district is an especially unique and complex mix of light industrial and manufacturing type businesses as well as residences with some retail/commercial businesses in varying degrees of proportion. The MTA is currently working on a parking management plan for this area. Parking meters and time limits alone cannot adequately address all the diverse problems of mixed-use neighborhoods such as ours.
San Francisco has the ability and the capacity to create a parking management program in the Mission that serves local residents and businesses, and advances the City’s goals. Our hope is that a carefully thought out, innovative and diverse parking plan will improve parking for both businesses and residents.