To: Neighborhood Services Division and Neighborhood Services Division

Help Make Kids Safe in their Community

The community is asking your help and support to have the City of Joliet Neighborhood Services Department improve safety measures at the corner of Richards St. and the Salvation Army intersection: 1) Add stop signs on Richards St. to help slow down traffic; 2) Remove parking spots at the blind spots of all four corners of the intersection; 3) Cut the tree branches obstructing views to safely proceeding onto Richards St.; 4) Add pedestrians crossing signs; and 5) install and maintain street lights that could save energy costs by installing solar panels.

Why is this important?

To improve the safety at the intersection of Richards St and Salvation Army Community Center. By adding stops signs, removing parking spots, that are blind spots for drivers and pedestrians(children crossing the street, drivers attempting to make turns north,south or crossing over on Richards St. There have been far too many accidents and safety incidents which could have been avoided with improved safety measures.