To: The United States Senate and President Donald Trump
It is clear that the White House will do NOTHING to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the murder of a reporter, that the president will look the other way because the Saudi's are going to "make a deal" and buy weapons from one of Trump's buddies. CONGRESS - DO YOUR JOB!!!!
Why is this important?
I want every citizen to call their Senator and DEMAND action. Demand that Congress investigate Donald Trump, who is protecting this hostile foreign power from this flagrant and heinous murder. The Saudi's got an "all clear" from the White House - who delivered this message, Kushner? Did Kushner tell the Prince - have at it, kill all the reporters you want, just keep buying our weapons? I want the Senate to immediately draft and present a bill for signature imposing sanctions, prohibiting the sale of arms, ejecting all Saudi's diplomats, and refusing entry to all Saudi citizens. Enough.