To: Brad Kolb

Hornet Signs: It is time to apologize for your poor business decision and actions in perpetuating...

Using imagery of a hog-tied women on the back of a pick up truck is unacceptable in today's climate of violence against women. We stand united against any and all imagery glorifying violence against women. Cease and Desist.

Why is this important?

It is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Brad Kolb promised to make a donation for $1 for every like on Hornet Signs page. As of midnight 9/30/2013 there were 1522. We are waiting on verification that Brad Kolb made the $150 donation to a Waco women's shelter for the burned decal he auctioned, even though he gave it to us. We are also waiting for confirmation of a $1522 donation going to a Waco women's shelter.

Because violence against women must end.

Brad Kolb has reached and all new low. After promising me the decal, he is now auctioning it off on ebay. We are at a loss for words that this man is not living up to his word.

We're not done yet.

Imagery debasing women in advertising and the media must end. Hornet
signs crossed the line of good taste, and promoted violence against
women, when they produced a decal of a gagged and bound women thrown
into the back of a pick up truck. To make things worse, they then
drove it around Waco, TX for a month before social media picked up on
it an brought it to the world's attention. Hornet Signs, being
represented by Brad Kolb, has steadfastly refused to apologize for this
demeaning decal, although they have burned the decal and told us we
could pick it up. They are now asking for ideas on what they, Hornet
Signs should do with the decal, like auctioning it on ebay, even though
they gave it to us. We plan to pick up the decal in Waco, then auction
the burned decal and donate the proceeds to a Waco women's shelter.
Help hold Hornet Signs and Brad Kolb's feet to the fire. Please hold
them accountable for their horrible marketing campaign. Thank you.