To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, and Governor Phil Murphy

Illegal Inspection Ordinance in Highland Park NJ

Overturn Highland Park Housing Ordinance 135-25 !!!
Stop inspectors from writing housing tickets on Police ticket pads. By doing so they have criminalized these tickets and are using Police Powers to punish homeowners and threaten arrest if you disagree. Not to mention it is an ILLEGAL PRACTICE.

Why is this important?

The Borough of Highland Park has quietly passed and illegal ordinance (135-25) which requires ALL Highland Park residents to register their home for inspection, and pay $100 per upto 3x per year! Each time you rent your property you must pay $100 and allow inspectors into your home for their approval. This is unprecedented compared to normal inspection regulations. (1x every 3 years) If you do not or do not agree you can be fined $500 per day as long as the BHP sees fit. The town has also criminalized housing matters which means you could be arrested as a criminal in your home. This of course is against the law but the Judge Herman of Highland Park does not seem to care as long as you keep paying and filling his coffers. As of 2012 the relavent case law Heine vs NJ states very clearly a municipality can NOT criminalize housing matters and fine citizens let alone arrest them for housing tickets. This illegal ordinance and fining must be stopped!