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To: U.S. Congress

Impeach and Remove President Trump

President Trump is a danger to the integrity of our government, the safety of our citizens, and trust in our democratic institutions. Congress has a constitutional duty to impeach him and remove him from office.

Why is this important?

Bribery. Abuse of power. Obstruction of justice. Corruption. Violation of our Constitution.

Time and time again, President Trump has put himself above the law and broken his oath to preserve, protect, and defend our democracy. Now, Congress must take a stand against his repeated and shameless wrongdoing -- by impeaching President Trump and removing him from office.

The Founding Fathers put impeachment in the Constitution for a situation like this one: an out-of-control president acting as if they are totally above the law. In the past three years, Trump has solicited a bribe from the Ukraine government… obstructed justice in the Russia investigation... failed to safeguard our elections… profited from his presidency… and broken campaign finance laws.

But the decisions made in this moment extend beyond Trump and his presidency. Our members of Congress have a constitutional duty to hold the executive branch accountable -- and if they turn a blind eye to Trump’s lawlessness, it’ll give every president going forward the green light to exploit and abuse our democracy.

That’s why we must call on Congress to once and for all prove that nobody -- not even the president -- is above the law by impeaching President Trump and removing him from office.

To learn more about Common Cause’s call for the impeachment and removal of President Trump, please visit



2020-05-11 22:35:12 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-01-03 16:29:26 -0500

50 signatures reached

2019-12-18 14:11:08 -0500

25 signatures reached

2019-12-14 09:59:16 -0500

10 signatures reached