To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Infrastructure Project for the 22nd Century

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, do hereby petirion the Whitehouse, US Senate, House of Representatives and State Governments.
To take on an Infrastructure project that will make the building of the Hover Dam seem small. One which will keep all Americans working for the next 3 decades or more.
Over 60 years ago a small but important publication called Popular Mechanics wrote about the Cities, Highways and rail sytems of the future. It is now time to take on that vision and build a Magnetic Highspeed Rail System in all directions across this great nation. We can utilize the Interstate Highways right of way by building two lanes down the center of every Interstate east to west and north to south. It would have stops and depots at every major city and every major intersection of our interstates.
The US Government would partner itself with the private sector and subsidize the building of our New and improved transportation system. We would dedicate the new system to soully handle passenger travel and then dedicate our old railways to the hauling of freight, making rail travel safer and faster.
Included in this High Speed Magnetic Rail system would be the construction of High capasity electric windmills at every county it crosses. Not only to power the system but to supply it surplus energy to those counties and states, ensuring our power grid acrossed the USA. We could also enclude new Power stations along our interstates to power our new fleet of hybrid cars and buses.
Now to the people of the USA, this infrastructure would affect every citizen, so if your a voter or not this is your chance to make your voice heard as it affects us all. We will see the increase in manufacturing facilities for the construction of the rails, cars and much more. Every city would have to prepare for the New Generations of tomorrow as they travel for business or pleasure.
Now before you sign this Petition, please take a moment to close your eyes and imagine leaving New York City at 7 AM and being in L.A. Californina by 7 PM, then leaving L.A. at noon the following day and being in Orlando, FL by Midnight and spending a day at Disney World and then Leaving at midnight and arriving back in New York by 7 AM or sooner. Our Airways are already over crowded and safety is an issue and when the airways are shutdown due to weather we will still be able to travel these new railways of the future.
Please join me in this Petition and tell the Government it is time for the USA to prepare for the 22nd century and put Americans back to work in the technologies of tomorrow.
Thank You and may God Bless America

Why is this important?

All Americans throughout the USA, It is time to build for the future