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To: Animal advocates, animal lovers, rescues, shelters


Kentucky needs to change the laws for domestic animals. Authorities need to take complaints of unethical or corupt behavior in regards to domestic animals seriously. Owners need to be held accountable when they ignore responsible pet ownership. Puppy mills need to be shut down.
What can and should be done:
1. All domestic animal owners should be required to register and license thier animals in the county in which they live.
2. Spay and nueter programs should receive funding at a state, or local level to make spay and nueter affordable and accessible to pet owners who fall below the national and state poverty levels.
3. Fines for not having pets properly vaccinated and altered
4. Shelters and rescues should be inspected on a regular basis. Transparency enforced.
5. Funding needs to equal the needs of county and state shelters so they can provide the care expected by the community.
6. Law enforcement, animal control officers and those required to enforce ethical and humane treatment need to followup on complaints by the public in which they serve.
7. Abuse, neglect and failure to provide a safe, clean environment for domestic animals taken seriously.
8. Laws defining abuse changed and enforced
The overpopulation of animals far outweigh the resources available and while this cannot change overnight, implementation of stronger laws and the enforcement of those laws will create change over time.
We the people of the state of Kentucky are asking for change at a state level.
This petition serves as a voice for the voiceless and will be submitted to those in positions to create the changes we are asking for.

Why is this important?

This is important because animals are dying, animals are being abused, animals are being neglected because there is no accountability on any level. The lack of responsible ownership is creating an environment where preventable and treatable disease is spreading throughout the state and animals are suffering because of it. We cannot euthanize, adopt, rescue our way out of this crises.
This isn't an animal issue, it's a people issue and only we can change it.


2024-03-27 16:35:30 -0400

500 signatures reached

2023-12-30 23:06:25 -0500

100 signatures reached

2023-12-30 19:10:21 -0500

50 signatures reached

2023-12-30 18:22:13 -0500

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2023-12-30 15:37:46 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-12-30 15:14:42 -0500

10 signatures reached