Change the street name "25th Street N.W." in Washington, District of Columbia to "Jamal Khashoggi Avenue," in order to honor the slain journalist, as well as the countless & brave sacrifices that so many others in journalism make every day in order to preserve our freedoms; Require that buildings whose entrances face that street, including the Saudi Arabian Embassy, receive their mail addressed accordingly.
Why is this important?
In Pursuit of Justice; to Preserve and Promote Democracy and its Essential Principles -- in particular, Pursuit of Truth and Justice through Freedom of Speech and the Press -- for all Posterity, Lest We Forget What those Principle Are; to Honor the Sacrifices and Courage that Countless Journalists have made, and continue to make, in Relentless Pursuit of Democracy's Principles and Ideals of Truth and Freedom; and to Boldly Reassert : Democracy does Not Submit to the Threats and Outrages of Tyrannical Rule and Rulers.