To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Join a march on Washington DC and the state capitals across the country on MAY 25 and 26th to s...

To keep Social Security viable for centuries, demand that our politicians save Social Security by ending the earnings cap on ALL income (both earned and unearned) and increase the tax on earnings by 1% on earnings under $120,000, and by an additional 15% on income over $120,000, to make up for money they have not put into the system. Demand that chained CPI not be on the table and that CPI actually reflect those things that seniors actually use, like healthcare, transportation, medicines, nursing homes, and insurance. Our seniors and the disabled deserve to live to the end of their lives with dignity and to not be impoverished by the actions of our politicians.

Why is this important?

There are more than 58,000 homeless seniors and another nine million seniors who can't afford to pay their bills already. Chained CPI will add to those numbers of vulnerable seniors and disabled people who are already struggling to make ends meet. The current CPI already does NOT keep up with inflation, and every year more seniors fall into the category of vulnerable, food insecure, homeless, and unable to pay for basic living expenses.