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To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Justice for Captain Philip Marshall

In February of 2013, the Calaveras County Sheriff determined that Captain Philip Marshall shot his two teen-age kids, the family dog and then himself in a murder-suicide. However, Marshall's friends, neighbors and investigative journalist Wayne Madsen believe that Marshall and his family were assassinated by others Marshall threatened to expose as conspirators in the terrorist attacks of September 11th.

Why is this important?

There are a number of reasons someone may have wanted Phil Marshall silenced. Marshall had maintained relationships with colleagues from his days as a contract pilot for the CIA who had provided inside information. Marshall had written a book about Government sponsored drug smuggling flying the notorious cocaine smuggler, Barry Alderman Seal. Later, based on his experience as a commercial airline pilot with over 15,000 hours flying heavy passenger jets, Marshall had also published two non-fiction books investigating those responsible for the support and training of the 9/11 terrorist pilots. The Calaveras County Sheriff's findings were based largely on hearsay and innuendo rather than on solid forensic evidence, suggesting that other factors may have influenced the Sheriff's investigation. In order that all lingering questions be adequately answered, an impartial and unbiased investigation into the deaths of Philip Marshall and his family is clearly called for.


2021-09-13 15:13:51 -0400

100 signatures reached