To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Karen Bass do the right thing re. our social security

Let;s fight back and stop the madness with our Social Security.

Why is this important?

Social Security is not YOURS to play around with. We the seniors of this country have worked all of our lives to have the comfort and security of a monthly check. We deserve to have all that we PAID for and with out our So Called leaders trying to claim it. Our survival is of up most importance to us and we demand what is rightfully ours. Our struggle is arduous, we are constantly trying to make a dollar out of .15 cents. I wish all of the people who make these rules were mandated to live for one year under our circumstances paying $1,000. or more for rent or mortgage and only receiving only $800.per month and being told there are NO cost of living raises in the making, Gas is $5.00 a gallon food is sky high,utilities are soaring and the beat goes on.