To: The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Keep America, America

London has people from all over the world yet English is the language of the country. I'm a Vietnam era Vet. and never thought the day would come where any language other than English would be the language of the land. I welcome all, but English should be the spoken language of our nation.Learn the language of the land if your intend to be here.No exceptions,English the first and only language of the land.

Why is this important?

There should never be any job in the United States other than interpreter that should require bilingual ability. This issue cost the tax payers to much money and has eroded the educational system to no ends. DMV, Social Services are you for real, all road signs are in English, why should the book be in any other language. And really, welfare in any language other than English should not even be considered. I've worked in Mexico and Montreal, Canada had to learn the language to handle business.