To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Keep Family Together: Stop the exploitation of children

Stop the exploitation of children through Social Services.

Why is this important?

A shocking issue in U.S. history has been that of social services' involvement with families who have been accused of child abuse and/or neglect. Many people believe social services to be a steadfast organization with the intention of helping reunite families. Many more know better that social services is nothing more than a means of a corrupt organization to rip families apart and use whatever means necessary to make money and exploit families. The devastation caused year round by social services is unfathomable to any human imaginations. Valuable tax dollars, state funded dollars, and resources are poured into breaking families apart and sending children even as young as newborns to foster homes to be raised by complete strangers who may or may not have the children's best interest in mind. It is proven that children are 6 times more likely to die in foster care than they are with their natural born parents and yet we allow this atrocity to happen every day. What we as American people need to do is take a stand and demand change. Social services workers receive compensation for the longer they keep children in their care or in foster care. It is one giant money scheme. We need to take a stand and propose that social services workers be payed more for reuniting families and far less for breaking them apart so they are more inclined to do their job. Not only this, but there should also limitations to their use of power. Currently, social services has a nearly unlimited mass of power to do as they wish with families and it is a direct violation of American rights. Families who can not afford the legal expenses often lose their children and are left heartbroken, financially devastated, and put at the mercy of court systems who would have them prosecuted before they would ever listen to their side of the story. There is no accountability for any slanderous lies that social services may or may not use as a means to achieve their goals and there is no justification for the way the process is handled. Take a stand for American rights. Study what makes this such a big deal and take a stand.