To: Todd Ortloff, General Manager/Part Owner

KONP 1450 Take Rush off the Air

Remove Rush Limbaugh from KONP programming. His lack of respect for women and the truth does not meet our community's minimum standard for common decency.

Why is this important?

Rush Limbaugh has called any woman that takes contraceptives provided by the government a slut or a prostitute because she is being "paid" to have sex. He wants these women to be required to film their sex acts and post them on the web so he can view their sex acts. Rush attacked Sandra Fluke under this pretext personally for attempting to testify about a friend's need for contraceptives for other medical reasons. This outragous, insulting attack is based upon a lie. Rush Limbaugh has no place on the public airwaves with his lack of respect for the truth and for woman.
