To: the leaders of the G7 countries

Leaders of G7: Decline to Stay at Trump Doral

We call on the leaders of the G7 to refuse to stay at Trump's Doral resort for their summit in June of 2020. His decision to hold the event there is a flagrant violation of our laws and a blatant act of corruption. Please insist that the event be held at a site in which Trump has no financial interest.

Why is this important?

A few months ago, Donald Trump announced that he would like to hold next year's G7 summit at his Trump National Doral Resort in Miami. On 10/18/19, his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney confirmed that the plan is moving forward.

Holding the event there would funnel millions of dollars into Donald Trump's pocket, since the resort would be filled with diplomats, staff, security, and many others.

Our Constitution and basic decency require that the president not profit personally from his position, and especially that he not take payments from foreign governments.

Trump is obviously not much moved by the law or basic decency, so we call on the other leaders of the G7 countries to insist that the US Constitution be respected and that the summit be held elsewhere.
