To: Jeffrey W. Weldon, Brookings, SD City Manager

Help Make Brookings, South Dakota a Bikeable Community. Tell the City Manager to Finally Implemen...

Brookings, South Dakota is some place special, but it's missing one key thing -- bike lanes! Now is the time to make Brookings a bikeable community.

Why is this important?

Great communities like Brookings aren't complete without bike lanes. In 2008, the city of Brookings approved a plan to make Brookings a bikeable community. However, after nearly 8 years, that plan was never fully implemented.

Studies show that bike lanes promote public safety and increase the quality of life for all community members. Brookings has an amazing bike trail, but it's still difficult to navigate the city streets on your bike -- and sidewalks are for pedestrians.

Now is the perfect time to tell Jeffrey W. Weldon, the City Manager, to make Brookings complete by making Brookings a bikeable community.

We're delivering this petition to Jeff Weldon, so please sign your name and send it to everyone you know who supports bike lanes in Brookings!