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To: United States Congress

Make Flying the Confederate Flag Illegal

The Battle Flag of Northern Virginia, known as the Confederate Flag, or the Rebel Flag, which was part of the 2nd and 3rd National Flags of the Confederate States of America, was adopted by the American southern states in the early 20th century.

Part of the reason the flag saw a resurgence was because groups like the Daughters of the Confederacy were busy rewriting the story of the Civil War to make it more favorable to the seceding southern states. They also put up all the memorials to confederate soldiers that are now often the focal point of controversy.

This re-education campaign by the southern states to make that flag "heritage and not hate" has long been a dog whistle to continue the toxic traditions and ideologies of racism this country was founded on. The same people who tell the black community to "stop living in the past" when the topic of systemic oppression arises, are the same people who still fly this traitor's flag.

That flag represents a stain, a mar, on this nation's history. I implore you to go to Germany and find a Nazi flag being flown. We must stop whitewashing and watering down our history and confront it face on and make right the past.

Why is this important?

Compromising with the southern states after the civil war only led to Jim Crow laws which lasted into the middle of the 20th century. Every time these ugly pockets of racism rear their ugly head we coddle them and compromise. Enough is enough.

One thing the Confederate Army failed to do was storm the nation's capital and fly that flag in the Capital building. On January 6, 2021, a group of insurrectionists accomplished just that. They stormed the halls of the capital building with that flag held high.

The time has come for our country to do the right and to begin the systematic eradication of this archaic ideology and ban the flying of that flag. Freedom of speech ends when it invokes traditions that oppress.


2021-02-23 01:57:08 -0500

20,000 signatures reached

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