To: Mike Hein, Ulster County Executive, Kenneth J. Ronk, Majority Leader, Ulster County Legislature, Dave Donaldson, Minority Leader, Ulster County Legislature, and Terry Bernardo, Chairwoman, Ulster County Legislature

Make The Catskill Mountain Rail Trail a Reality

I support Ulster County’s ongoing efforts to create a unified, countywide, world-class trail network that will offer safe recreational activities, economic benefits, health benefits, and also further open space efforts. I urge you to give your full support to completing the Catskill Mountain Rail Trail.

Why is this important?

Thanks to the actions of hundreds of supporteres, the $2 million of funding for the CMRT has been preserved in NY State's 2013 budget!

But we're not done yet -- the planning process now shifts to the county level.

Please sign our new petition to be delivered to our leaders here in Ulster County, asking them to make constructing the Catskill Mountain Rail Trail a top priority.