I was just listening to an interview with Katie Couric today and learned that insurances usually don't cover ultrasounds for breast imaging. (This is usually the next step if a mammogram detects an anomaly.) I believe that all insurances nationwide should cover ultrasound breast imaging, regardless of age and regardless of breast density, and regardless of whether or not a mammogram has been performed. I believe women across America deserve good healthcare and that includes free breast ultrasound imaging annually. Please do everything you can to make this legislation happen in Congress and please create a standalone bill that can be passed quickly rather than a line-item in an 800 page piece of legislation that gets bounced around back and forth and debated because of other issues within the bill. Thank you.
Why is this important?
Women's healthcare is American healthcare. Early detection matters. It's October. It could be your mother. What else could possibly convince you to sign below?