To: Marc Cuban

Mark Cuban: stop your net neutrality hypocrisy

Throw your support behind Net Neutrality and an Open Internet that lets entrepreneurs like you thrive.

Why is this important?

Dallas Mavericks owner, Shark Tank judge, and tech billionaire Marc Cuban is in Washington this week to lobby against net neutrality -- the rule for Internet providers: all online content must be treated equally. Ending net neutrality would be great for big telecoms like Comcast and Verizon, but terrible for consumers -- and our democracy.

Marc Cuban should know the importance of net neutrality better than anybody. His businesses thrive thanks to the ease of communication and accessibility that the Open Internet offers. And on Shark Tank, he positions himself as a mentor to young entrepreneurs.

But now, he's shutting the door behind him and choosing corporate profits over his community. Instead, Cuban ought to preserve that openness for every American by speaking out for -- not against -- net neutrality.