To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Stop any cuts to Social SECURITY: The people receceving it hurt enough all ready.

Why is this important?

Stop any cuts to Social Security: I have rail road retirement I have paid dearly into for 38 years far more then ones who paid into SS. When SS STARTS cuts then it will effect money I paid into rail road retire ment. The president said awhile back his poor mom on SS and that one thing he not cut. - Maybe high people in office needs to start cutting first on thier big retirements. Most people getting 800 to 900 on SS. My God can you make it on that? And then cut it even more. And Obama care who knows. It was to make our lifes better but think it will not help the poor & elderly .