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To: Petition Signatures

Monsignor Farrell Highchool Air Condition

Hello to whoever this may concern, there is a enduring issue that has effected many students and staff within the Monsignor Farrell High School. Although air condition is not recognized as a requirement in the New York City Board of Education it is a key part of a successful school. The school does not have to install central air but at least provide a fan in every class room or a window air condition unit. The current conditions that stand in Monsignor Farrell Highschool is holding back the full potential of students. What I mean by this is that heat and humidity prevent a student from achieving full focus in their class. This then effects their knowledge which will lead to lower regents scores for some students. These regents grades represent Monsignor Farrell High school's teaching ability and organization. The regents grades coming from students may be acceptable but they can be better with a cool space where the mind can calmly and freely think without the bother of high temperatures leading to a stressed and unfocused environment.

Why is this important?

This is a important issue that needs to be fixed. As I stated not only will this provide a cool, calm, focused working space but it will also create a stress free area which will help students grades. Air Condition and cool air in general improves brain functions and process of material within the brain, this was proven by the National Institutes of Health. The improvements and changes that will be seen when air condition is put into rooms at Monsignor Farrell High School will be drastic. 


2024-06-09 16:20:44 -0400

10 signatures reached