To: The United States House of Representatives

Mr. Boehner, Take $12B Out of Bombs Not Food Assistance!

Mr. Boehner, the wealthiest nation on Earth takes care of its least able citizens. Slashing assistance to the working poor while serving up continued tax breaks to the richest 1% of Americans may be the America that your wealthy backers and lobbyists want, but it is not the country which we, the undersigned, want. If you need $12B, we ask that you take it out of excessive defense spending, not food for hard-working Americans who don't make enough to get by in an economy destroyed by the richest of the rich. We further ask that you hold a roll call vote, so we can hold each and every member who votes for this bill accountable at election time.

Why is this important?

The House of Representatives is considering throwing 3M people off of food assistance by slashing the Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) which Republicans demonize by its old name, "Food Stamps." A family of three, with a total income of more than $24,100 annually, would be out of luck, and food. This is yet another GOP anti-woman bill, as a large amount of public assistance goes to poor working single mothers.