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To: Representatives

Musicians right to strike

Venues and ticket retailers need to be held responsible for outrageous ticket fees and tax cuts on bands taken from venues. The goal is to force the music industry into a better version of itself. In today's world, bands are hardly getting by and are hardly able to make a living from venues, leaving bands as little as 8% in the gross total of a single show.

Ticketmaster also needs to be knocked off its monopoly throne and convinced that we no longer accept these sky-high ticket tax fees.

The goal is to stop select venues and Ticketmaster from gaining a large percentage of income. Take a stand for all the bands and artists out there and also for yourself. This isn't okay, and it needs to be fixed.

Why is this important?

You should because it is our right as a society to be able to live in an affordable world for the average worker. And also your favorite bands could potentially stop touring from how expensive it is.


2023-07-27 20:26:19 -0400

10 signatures reached