To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

National Children's Monument

Ask Congress to pass a bill that would set aside land in our nation's capitol to build a monument to honor our nation's children.

Why is this important?

Every person--past, present and future--shares one common bond: Childhood. However, not every childhood is a good one and given that only 1 penny of every dollar in the federal budget is allocated to our children, it is not an understatement to say that children are certainly not a priority. There are children who live in horrific, war-like conditions every day in America. They know PTSD, hunger, fear and neglect. To garner the public will to ensure that children are valued and their important developmental needs are supported in the United States, we ask that Congress enact legislation to create the "National Children's Monument" to honor the American Child--past, present and future--and to educate all citizens about what children need. Our democracy and future strength as a nation depends on us making them more of a priority.