To: Netflix

Netflix: Pull advertising from Rush Limbaugh's radio show.

To the Officers and/or Management of Netflix:

Rush Limbaugh has gone too far this time. His vicious personal attack on Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke was beyond over the top, and more than simply distasteful; it was appalling, offensive, and even obscene. Suggesting that she has so much sex that he is surprised she can walk straight borders on pornographic. Suggesting that she should be required to record personal intimate moments so the entire nation can watch them is atrocious. Limbaugh's rant is an affront to civilized society and an outright attack on all women. While his First Amendment right to freedom of speech is to be respected, he must learn that there are consequences for his deviant behavior.

In light of recent events, it is in the best interest of Netflix to pull its advertising from Rush Limbaugh's radio program immediately and permanently. His reprehensible remarks are an attack on all women, including women who are Netflix customers. If Netflix supports this kind of despicable behavior, we will spread the word by whatever means necessary to let others know they should consider cancelling their subscriptions to your services. There are other video-streaming services and DVD/Blu-Ray rental alternatives that do not enable Mr. Limbaugh to viciously attack both individuals and whole segments of society, as well as abuse and misuse the airwaves with his intolerant rants.

You have been put on notice, and we will be watching.

Why is this important?

Rush Limbaugh has gone too far this time. His vicious personal attack on Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke was beyond over the top, and more than simply distasteful; it was appalling, offensive, and even obscene. Suggesting that she has so much sex that he is surprised she can walk straight borders on pornographic. Suggesting that she should be required to record personal intimate moments so the entire nation can watch them is atrocious. Limbaugh's rant is an affront to civilized society and an outright attack on all women. While his First Amendment right to freedom of speech is to be respected, he must learn that there are consequences for his deviant behavior. Please, tell Netflix that if they continue to support Mr. Limbaugh by way of advertising on his radio show, that they will lose your business. It is time for us to stop sitting on our hands and fight for our nation and its people!
