To: The Tennessee State Senate and The United States Senate

Nicole’s order of protection for women

Many women all over the world are experiencing domestic violence. Many women have lost their lives with an order of protection because the perpetrators had access to the victims.

Why is this important?

Domestic Violence has become so familiar in the era we are living in. So many broken families have suffered the loss of a loved one who was involved in a domestic violence relationship. A simple order of protection does not ensure the safety of each individual. The proof is all that is needed to have someone locked up with valid evidence. When a person has been dealing with death threats of all kinds, it should hold weight in the court system. In order to protect, we must take all necessary measures and actions against the violators. Some of these situations may never get resolved with the individual who may be suffering from mental disabilities. Counseling the perpetrators and the petitioners should be a main tactic. Death threats should automatically result in incarceration. We must protect the safety of our women all over the world. Violation of a restraining order may result in the death of the petitioner when we had all the proof needed to save the lives of our women
