25 signatures reached
To: Congress
No bailout for oil companies!
We oppose any bailout for the fossil fuel companies. Instead we need to use our fiscal and monetary policy to support a Green New Deal, supporting jobs and the economy in ways that reduce carbon emissions rather than create more of them.
Why is this important?
The coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented collapse in the price of oil. Because there's now an oversupply of oil, for the first time in history oil prices have gone negative -- meaning producers will pay you to take oil off their hands, since they have no place to store it.
Donald Trump wants to bail out the oil companies and prop up a fossil fuel industry that is causing a massive environmental and human crisis.
We should instead pass a Green New Deal that provides jobs for everyone, including fossil fuel industry workers. doing work that helps reduce carbon emissions rather than increases them.
Congress is debating the stimulus bill right now. We need to make it clear to them and to the Federal Reserve that they cannot hand fossil fuel companies billions in bailouts.
Donald Trump wants to bail out the oil companies and prop up a fossil fuel industry that is causing a massive environmental and human crisis.
We should instead pass a Green New Deal that provides jobs for everyone, including fossil fuel industry workers. doing work that helps reduce carbon emissions rather than increases them.
Congress is debating the stimulus bill right now. We need to make it clear to them and to the Federal Reserve that they cannot hand fossil fuel companies billions in bailouts.