To: Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

No Grand Bargain! Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid should be off the table!

A new round of budgeting is underway. Because of the last sequester, social programs took major cuts. We need to tell our New York Senators to stand up for us: keep Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs off the table. The Social Security Trust Fund has no impact on the federal budget. We look to you to protect the neediest Americans.

Why is this important?

America is the richest nation on earth; the richest nation that ever was. And yet, instead of going after the wealth of corporations and the top 1%, Congress and the President look to slash well-earned and hard won benefits of the elderly and disabled and the poorest among us. This is wrong. Cut military spending. Enact a financial transaction tax. Close corporate loopholes. We all do better when we ALL do better.