To: The Maine State House and The Maine State Senate

Stand Up for the Health of Maine's Kids and Seniors

I urge you to stand up to Governor Paul LePage and reject his attempts to cut important services to Maine's children and seniors. Struggling Maine families cannot afford to lose access to prescription drugs, early childhood education, and programs that support public health.

The Fund for a Healthy Maine remains our state’s primary investment in public health and preventative healthcare. With healthcare costs on the rise, it is more important than ever to protect these funds to prevent costly, chronic illness and promote healthy living.

Head Start not only helps Maine’s at-risk children, it also supports parents as they work toward achieving employment goals thus contributing to the economic development of our communities. According to a 2012 report from the Maine State Chamber of Commerce and the Maine Development Foundations, investing in care and education starting at birth fosters greater success in school, reduces remedial education costs, improves earnings, and avoids welfare and crime costs. Maine realizes a return of $4 - $16 for every $1 invested.

Maine’s Drug for the Elderly program provides the critical health safety net for Maine’s most vulnerable seniors and disabled people. According the Southern Maine Agency on Aging, thousands Maine seniors and disabled people will lose assistance for insurance premiums and prescription drug costs. Those who would be most affected are single, senior women, according to estimates.

Please vote against Paul LePage's dangerous budget proposals and stand up for Maine families.

Why is this important?

Governor Paul LePage and his Republican allies in the Maine Legislature are on the verge of making deep cuts to critical services. Targeted are the Fund for a Healthy Maine, Drugs for the Elderly, and Head Start. The budget ax would nearly eliminate state funding for early childhood education. All this, while the Governor continues to cut taxes for those already prospering. We are calling on Maine Legislators to reject these attempts to dismantle important services that promote public health and offer help to at-risk children and seniors.