To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
No More Flints! Demand Safe Drinking Water for All!
Water is a basic human right -- but many communities across the country, most notably Flint, Michigan, don't have access to safe drinking water.
I call on you to stand up for the people of Flint and re-invest in our nation’s essential drinking water services.
Please support legislation to:
1. Get federal funding to Flint to start replacing its corroded lead pipes.
2. Dedicate federal funding to upgrade our country's aging water infrastructure and ensure safe drinking water for all communities.
I call on you to stand up for the people of Flint and re-invest in our nation’s essential drinking water services.
Please support legislation to:
1. Get federal funding to Flint to start replacing its corroded lead pipes.
2. Dedicate federal funding to upgrade our country's aging water infrastructure and ensure safe drinking water for all communities.
Why is this important?
Access to safe drinking water is a human right. The people of Flint, Michigan have been denied that right. And too many other communities across the country have aging water pipes and not enough resources to fix problems with their water systems.
Many of our nation’s water systems are over 100 years old — and the EPA estimates that each year we are falling $22 billion short of what is needed to upgrade them.
Without increased federal support for community water systems, more communities will be in crisis -- and Flint's crisis shows just how much is at stake.
We can fix this by supporting legislation like HR 4479, the Families of Flint Act, that would provide grants to fix the infrastructure in Flint to ensure that lead and other contaminants that pose a threat to public health and the environment are no longer present in the drinking water. The bill would also provide the Flint community with health services to identify and help children with lead poisoning.
We also need legislation to provide mandatory, long-term, dedicated funding to ensure access to safe, affordable, public water for all communities across the country.
Many of our nation’s water systems are over 100 years old — and the EPA estimates that each year we are falling $22 billion short of what is needed to upgrade them.
Without increased federal support for community water systems, more communities will be in crisis -- and Flint's crisis shows just how much is at stake.
We can fix this by supporting legislation like HR 4479, the Families of Flint Act, that would provide grants to fix the infrastructure in Flint to ensure that lead and other contaminants that pose a threat to public health and the environment are no longer present in the drinking water. The bill would also provide the Flint community with health services to identify and help children with lead poisoning.
We also need legislation to provide mandatory, long-term, dedicated funding to ensure access to safe, affordable, public water for all communities across the country.