To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No More Phone Calls-- Time to March

Won't you stand up?

Why is this important?

You know what upsets me? Listening to the news and the democrats/republicans tackle the fiscal cliff like it is a poker game. But this is not a poker game--this is our lives. Millions of Americans will be affected by decisions that only a few people will make. We can not just sit back and let them ruin our future. We need Medicare, we need Medicade. Our parents and grandparents need their Social Security. A 64 year old should not be required to work to survive. They have taken care of their family for over 40 years.
No more phone calls--Washington just empties their mailbox. WE need to apply pressure. We need to get out in the street and march.
They will only do to us what we allow them to do. More people can not suffer.
So we March-- Sunday, December 23rd to your nearest Occupy meeting area. I am in Richmond, Ca-- I will be headed to Oakland. The time for change is now.

WE can make this happen.