To: The United States Senate

Normalize Relations with Cuba

Begin the process of normalizing relations of Cuba, first by removing them from the state sponsors of terrorism. Any reason for keeping on the list is invalid, as the Cuban government is incapable of creating any real threats to anyone but it's own innocent people, who end up suffering because of our lack of diplomatic influence on Cuba. End the embargo, which is currently limiting our economy's prosperity, and has no desired "diplomatic" effect.

Why is this important?

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, provides, in Article 19, that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Our ineffective, decades-old broken relationship with Cuba is a result of the Cold War, where Cuban government was responsible for allowing Russians to invade their government and place missiles there.

Our government continues this relationship and embargo on Cuba with no purpose, denying Americans the right to travel to Cuba, and allowing for 11 million Cubans, our next-door-neighbors to be persecuted by their government.

Cuba is the second worst offender of unjust imprisonments, behind China. China? China is the worst offender of unjust imprisonments and yet our very intimate trading partner.

Why do we keep Cuba on the list of terrorist countries just for a decade-old grudge initiated by the Russian government? If we really wanted to prevent terrorism in (or from) Cuba, we would begin the process of fixing the relationship and end the embargo to truly impact and end the government regime in Cuba.

Opening trade with Cuba would guarantee not only freedoms for Cubans, but would also benefit both countries' economies, as Cuba has resources like Cuban tobacco, sugar, and Cuban coffee, which are resources that we lack.

We must denounce the government, not the people of Cuba. By taking these steps to normalize relations with Cuba, we would have more influence on the country, and could pressure the government to change, or encourage the people to begin their fight for freedom.

But we must first open the door...