To: Queens Delegation, NYC Council, Queens Borough President, The New York State House, and The New York State Senate

NYC Officials: Be Fair on Gaza, Reach Out to All Communities

We are deeply disappointed to learn that during the lead in to the current ground invasion of Gaza, members of the New York City Council, State Legislature and Members of Congress attended press conferences at New York City Hall and at Queens Borough Hall and delivered one-sided statements in support of these violent attacks, without conditions or reservations.

The plight of Palestinians trapped in the ghetto of Gaza, in poverty and under fire, went unrecognized. Furthermore, some politicians used language that dehumanized Arabs and supported policies that flout international law.

New York politicians are sending a message that Jewish lives have more value than Muslim and Christian Palestinians, and that one New York community is preferred over another. Instead, elected officials should seek ways to meet with all and unite communities, not play upon their divisions. That would be true leadership.

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Why is this important?

One-sided response by New York City elected officials