To: Pete Saenz, Mayor, Danny Valdez, Webb County Judge, President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Open all bridges to Holiday travelers

Most international bridges on the Northern and Southern borders are built with Federal, State and local taxes. Some bridges are restricted to truck and commercial traffic only. I have never heard of any trucking company or individual businesses donating millions of dollars to build these bridges and the roads leading up to them. If enough pressure is brought upon the decision makers we can demand that these bridges be opened to the Holiday travelers and reduce traffic on our local streets and major highways. One such bridge is the World Trade bridge in Laredo, Texas. I'm sure there are many more such bridges so please sign this petition and give control of our tax money back to the people.

Why is this important?

Anyone crossing into Mexico or Canada must cross at an International bridge or tunnel. During the major holidays, traffic coming and going into the United States is severely impacted and on occasion, individuals have been killed due to the unsafe conditions on our roadways. These crossings belong to the people, not the politicians. By signing this petition you will not only help us speed up border crossings but also show that we "can" control our destiny.